
Corporate Debt Restructuring

We advocate for Australian Company Directors, Business Owners and Individuals and help them deal with their debt problems by providing clear, transparent, legal and ethical strategies. We act for you not the creditors.

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Got Significant Debts?

We can help you.

Are you an Australian Director or Individual and have received another bill that you are not sure how you are going to pay? Are you scared that you are going to lose your house or other large personal assets?

Are you not sure where to turn for answers? Then you have come to the right place.

We help Australians deal with their insurmountable debt problems by reviewing your unique financial situation holistically for FREE and make recommendations to improve the financial position of your Company or yourself personally. But more than providing the right advice at the right time, we help you implement your unique strategy for a great long term financial future.

What could you do with more money and less stress?

Happy Customers

How it works?

An initial discussion leads to a strategy document and a plan that focuses on your businesses current financial position, where you want to go into the future and how to get there. We also discuss the cross over between business and personal debt and finances.  Helping you deal with debt issues, explaining how insolvency will affect your business, your assets, and your life.

That’s when LemonAide can help. On your side. By your side.

What is the role of LemonAide?

In case you’re not aware, the role of Liquidators is to protect the interests of creditors – not you. Even if you have appointed them, their job is to look after your creditors, not you!

How LemonAide helps you:

  • Look at your options to avoid bankruptcy or liquidation, if it’s possible.
  • Find ways to legally preserve your assets, if viable.
  • Negotiate with the Liquidator or Bankruptcy Trustee to ensure your interests are protected.
  • Representing your interests, before, during and after a liquidation or bankruptcy to:
  • Provide advice and guidance throughout the process so you stay fully informed on what’s happening to your business.

All while providing you with support and peace of mind to help reduce your stress during a very difficult time.  Breathing life back into your business, guide you to where you want to go without all of the debts that are holding you back.

Feel free to book a free appointment for a chat (up to 45 mins).

For a confidential discussion to see how LemonAide can help you.

Or Call Us Now: 0423 055 664