• Personal Asset Structuring 3

Personal Asset Structuring

Protect Yourself From The Unknown

Who owns what asset and what that asset is worth is great when you are bragging to your friends. However, did you realise that the number of court cases, in all areas of law, filed each year is on the increase?

Even though you think you may never have a court case against you, you never know what is around the corner. Accordingly, it is more imperative in this day and age to protect yourself from the unknown. That is the very reason that we have insurance policies.

Personal asset structuring involves organizing your assets in a way that provides legal protection and minimizes the risk of loss in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as lawsuits, bankruptcy, or divorce.

Piercing the Corporate Veil

If you are a Director of a company, even though the company is limited by shares, there are more and more laws and contracts that can pierce the corporate veil such as Director Penalty Notices, Personal Guarantees etc. So why allow someone else to control the outcome of a situation because you are scared of losing everything?

Piercing the corporate veil refers to a legal concept where courts may hold company directors personally liable for the company’s debts or obligations, effectively disregarding the limited liability protection typically provided by a corporate structure.

What would you have done differently or how would you have handled a situation differently if you had known that you had nothing to lose?

How Personal Asset Structuring Can Help

This is where a proper personal asset structuring can help you. We look at the best way to structure your assets, considering various options such as:

  • Holding assets in a Company structure
  • Establishing trusts to hold assets
  • Utilising joint ownership arrangements
  • Selling your share of the asset to someone else and then leasing it back

There are many different structures to utilize, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. The most appropriate structure will depend on your individual circumstances, asset types, and goals.

Importance of Proper Asset Structuring

Unless you are working for wages in a low risk industry, we rarely advise someone to hold major assets in their personal name as there is just too many unforeseen issues that could go wrong.

Protect your assets and secure your financial future.

Book a consultation with LemonAide today to discuss your personal asset structuring options and develop a tailored strategy that meets your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Personal asset structuring involves organizing your assets in a way that provides legal protection and minimizes the risk of loss due to unforeseen circumstances like lawsuits, bankruptcy, or divorce.

Piercing the corporate veil is a legal concept where courts hold company directors personally liable for the company’s debts, disregarding the limited liability protection.

Methods include holding assets in a company structure, establishing trusts, utilizing joint ownership arrangements, and selling and leasing back assets.

Holding assets in a company structure can limit personal liability and protect assets from personal legal claims.

Trusts can separate asset ownership from personal ownership, providing legal protection and potentially favorable tax treatment.

Joint ownership can provide shared control and protection, but it depends on your individual circumstances and goals.

LemonAide provides tailored strategies to structure your assets effectively, protecting them from unforeseen risks and securing your financial future. Book a consultation to explore your options.

Customer Feedback

Lemonaide Favicon

“Nathan was excellent in helping me to negotiate with my creditors. His strategic advice has saved me from personal bankruptcy and even saved my car. I can now move on in my financial life, financially free. Thanks Nathan.”

Lemonaide Favicon

“The strategies and advice Nathan gave me was nothing short of amazing. He explained things in simple terms for me to understand. I knew straight away he had my interest at heart first and foremost. It was so refreshing to deal with someone that was helpful and willing to go the extra mile for me.”